F*ck the Kingsday 

“F*ck the Kingsday” is the only way we could throw a Kingsday party which still aligned with our political views.

Kingsday is meant to be a day to celebrate the Dutch monarchy and all people in Amsterdam happily participate, which helps the monarchy in projecting a false image of a positive public opinion. This is what birthed “F*ck the Kingsday”, and it is to my knowledge still the only Kingsday event of it’s scale which protests the monarchy.

Flyers with information on why the Monarchy should be banned were handed out on the day itself. Merch was also made which reflected the sentiments we were expressing and the entire stock was sold out by the end of the day.

Because I was in full creative control and quite literally every aspect of this specific event was designed, organised and executed by me with virtually no budget, it’s one of the projects that I’m most proud of on a personal level.

Line-up included:

Big Bobby Bitch
Jan Koster
Bokoedro (DJ)
Tida Kamara